European Congress The problems of the European Union can be solved when the Federal Constitution has been ratified by the citizens so as to stablished The Federated States of Europe. The Federal Constitution of the Federated States of Europe in its Article II speaks of the European Congress that has 2 Chambers: Another Article of the Federal Constitution is Article VII that speaks of the Citizens, whose point 4 introduces Direct Democracy, therefore the deputies will have to be attentive to the citizens who have recognized the right to the "Citizen Initiative" that says: 1. Citizens of the Federation have the right to present a legislative proposal to the European Congress, in the form of a draft law. If a minimum of 1% of the Citizens of the Federation support this draft law, this will be laid down as a People’s Initiative at the Registry of the House of Citizens. A People’s initiative can have the form of an amendment to the Federal Constitution. Any People’s Initiative shall meet the requirements of consistency of form and content and shall not infringe mandatory provisions of international law. If these requirements are not met, the Federal Court of Justice of the Federation will declare it invalid, in whole or in part. With the Federal Constitution, we would have a political system comparable to that of the Swiss Federation where citizens have the last word through the Popular Initiative, optional Referendums to reject laws and also mandatory Referendums. The citizens will have control of the federal politicians in order to allow Europe to be a true Europe of the Citizens. Europe has a future of great expectations...a future where citizens will be able to take control of their existence and will be able to lead a healthier and happier life. Do everything possible so that this information reaches all corners of Europe...!!!